Consultancy on health benefits
We will facilitate Ayurveda consultation to the community about the benefits of bee honey. Bee honey consuming program to be introduced. Clients / Community members can upload their concerns / requests via our website ( ; and use the HEALING page for information and guidelines of consuming bee honey
Benefits of Bee Honey
Company will promote a weekly/ monthly health tip to the community about consuming bee honey. We can use publish past study materials, medicine research documents, articles, statements from the team doctor, videos, images, books, comments and speaches from other doctors (western & eastern medicine) Vata Dosha/Pitta Dosha/Kapha Dosha Panchakarma Remedies Food Cosmetics History SL Bee...
How much honey is enough
“How much honey is enough? Generally, three to five tablespoons of honey a day is sufficient. A good regimen to follow is to consume a tablespoon or two of honey in the morning with fruit or yogurt or cereal. Another tablespoon should be consumed at bedtime. In between, another one or two tablespoons can be...
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